staging and organizing services

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For the Home Staging is now offering a Walk and Talk staging/home prep option. Set up a video call (Facetime or Skype) with one of our stagers. We will take a video walking tour of your home and talk about suggestions for staging and market prep. Each call last about 1 hour but additional time can be set up. Please email For the Home to set up a consult call to see if a Walk and Talk will work for your needs and for pricing.


  • Helps potential buyers envision how furniture and accessories can fit into a space.

  • Helps buyers envision their furniture in the home.

  • Makes a home feel warm and inviting.

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Our goal is to show your house in its best light.

Realtor photos draw in potential buyers. A staged home photographs best.

We offer full service staging. We have a warehouse full of current furniture that can put a home in its best light.


Staging varies from property to property

Full home staging
We bring in furniture and accessories to fill an empty house to show case the home.

Accessory packages
If you currently have furniture but need key pieces to showcase your house in its best light, adding key accessories pieces really helps.  This includes items such as lamps, rugs, art and décor items.

Stage to live
This process involves our stagers using the items you already have.  Moving items and decluttering may be all your home needs.  We also recommend some key items that you may need to purchase or rent.  

Market Ready Report
This report is a  comprehensive report of all things in your home that could help with the sale.  We think of this report as a “wish” of items.  This is a great tool for our “DYI” clients or can just help a home owner prioritize items that need to be changed.     


We offer a full service organizing.  Getting your home ready for sale can involve a whole house declutter.  Our organizers can help pair down closets, cabinets and living areas.  A clean and organized home shows potential buyers the space and storage your home offers.